
The Federation of Social NGOs in Transylvania is a non-profit umbrella organization for non-governmental organizations from the social field from the central and north-western regions of Romania (5 counties). The members of the federation provide complex and comprehensive social inclusion programs, often involving educational or health care activities.

Legal form
Platform – collective of organisations

The goal of the federation is to facilitate human, informational and technical assistance to its members in order to become a social dialogue partner on national and European level, supporting the overall social inclusion objectives of the EU and Danube Strategy (EUSDR).

Main Activities

The organization was founded as a result of a network development project of 3 years, where the social NGOs involved in the network decieded afterwards, in 2015 to officially register a federation, instead of the informal network. These 10 founding member-organizations (associations and foundations) are: Fundatia Agapedia, Asociaţia Diakoniewerk International, Institutul Est European de Sănătate a Reproducerii, Asociația Casa Spero, Asociaţia “Diakonisches Werk” a Bisericii Evanghelice C.A. în România, Asociaţia Transilvania pentru Promovarea Bolnavilor Psihici, Fundaţia Creştină Diakonia – Filiala Sfântu Gheorghe, Asociația Evanghelică de Diakonie Mediaș, Asociaţia de Ajutorare din Ortenau “Ajutor pentru Oameni”, Asociaţia „Steps of Hope”.



The member-organizations of the federation is total have aprox. 220 employees, 100 volunteers proving social assistance and care for 3.800 beneficiaries yearly from different disadvantaged groups. Thus, the areas of expertise are:

  • child protection (after-school programs, day care center, children’s home),
  • assistance for youth at risk,
  • elderly home and stationary care,
  • palliative care,
  • day care centers and reintegration programs for people with physical or psychiatric disability,
  • development of Roma-communities (educational and labor market reintegration programs),
  • counseling and shelter for victims of domestic violence,
  • counseling of citizens in work force mobility across Europe,
  • emergency aid and basic charitable assistance (food and clothing).

The most significant yearly activities of the federation are its half-year conferences in collaboration or partnership with local and regional public authorities having a specific social topic of current interest on the agenda. These conferences are aimed at developing and strengthening the cooperation between NGOs and public bodies.
