
ActiveWatch-Media Monitoring Agency was founded in 1994 as a media monitoring department of the Catavencu Cultural Academy. In July 2006, ActiveWatch became an independent nonprofit organization, legally incorporated as an nonprofit association. ActiveWatch promotes 4 major strategic directions of social intervention: good governance policies, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination and media education .

Since its formation, ActiveWatch functioned as a debate platform for sensitive issues such as: human rights violations, media pressure and lack of transparency of central and local government initiatives. This information is documented and communicated through publications (reports, statements), case studies and press conferences.

Legal form
Non-profit organization

ActiveWatch Media Monitoring Agency is a human rights organization that militates for free communication for public interest.

Main Activities

We strengthen freedom of expression and press freedom, by:

  • Publishing the FreeEx Report annually, an in-depth analysis of the state of the Romanian press.
  • Fast reactions in case of infringement of freedom of speech
  • Publishing relevant studies on European and international freedom of expression law and access to public information in order to assist Romanian journalists, magistrates and attorneys in their work.
  • ActiveWatch is a member of Reporters without Borders and IFEX.

We promote a responsible press by:

  • Running communication campaigns on the rights of media consumers;
  • Conducting media analysis reports that highlight deviations from professional ethics rules;
  • Assisting the National Audiovisual Council to improve its methods of media analysis;
  • Continuously monitoring the media discourse during election campaigns and recording slippages or pressures exerted on the media.

In the media education field, we made changes to secondary school curriculum by:

  • Publishing the first ever manual dedicated to media education in Romania, in two editions.
  • Organizing training courses in media education for teachers in Romania
  • Putting together media education studies and workshops with students and teachers from schools and colleges
  • Publishing support materials for teachers interested in promoting media literacy and critical use of internet among students.

We support disadvantaged groups in Romania by:

  • Promoting the rights of people with disabilities;
  • Promoting the importance of the employing of people with disabilities;
  • Promoting a fair media discourse on minorities;
  • Coordinating rapid responses in cases in which officials, dignitaries, politicians and opinion leaders gave a speech that is offensive or likely to endanger the rights of minorities;
  • Notifying NCCD in cases of discrimination;
  • Reports on online hate speech in Romania;
  • Facebook’s trusted partner in Romania
  • We are members of INACH

We promote citizens’ rights by:

  • Drafting guidelines for citizens (in order to enhance public participation, access to information of public interest, transparency of public institutions);
  • Promoting principles of fair governance and stimulating citizen participation in city life
  • Being part of the “NGO’s for citizens”, a coalition militating for a wider space for participation for NGOs, activists and citizens.




Along the years we have developed a strong collaboration with NGOs, coalitions and networks, active both in Romania and abroad. We have developed within these coalitions’ extensive expertise and experience in the areas mentioned above.

Finance and Main Partners

Most of AW budget is project-based via institutional donors. Among donors: Civitates, European Commission, News Endowment for Democracy.