
The ETUC exists to speak with a single voice, on behalf of the common interests of workers, at European level.

Founded in 1973, it now represents 85 trade union organisations in 36 European countries, plus 10 industry-based federations.

The ETUC decides on all policies and activities through a democratic structure of elected representatives.

Legal form
Platform – collective of organisations

– To represent workers’ interests at European level
– To promote the European Social Model
– To work for the development of a united Europe of peace and stability where working people and their families can enjoy full human and civil rights and high living standards.

Main Activities

– Representation of trade unions and workers’ interests at EU level
– Campaigns for a more social Europe
– Influence EU decision making process (policies and legislation)
– Negotiate the European Social Dialogue
– Coordination of campaigns and demonstrations


Large representation at EU level of trade unions and workers rights in the EU
Influence capacity