
Fonda is a laboratory of ideas, whose members are only natural persons
Fonda seeks to promote citizens engagement within the associative framework

Legal form

– Analyse changes of contemporary society, having consequences on and determining citizens initiatives under an associative form
– Accompany and encourage, within the associative world and its environment, cultural changes and the construction of a prospective intelligence that requires the understanding of future challenges
– Develop meeting places and crossed fertilisation between the associative world and the research field
– Encourage the opening of the associative field to other social economic and political dynamics
– Help to overtake oppositions that divide associative actors to imagine new tools to be shared for the social change
– Develop collective citizens initiatives capacity to promote a society of trust, individual and collective dynamism

Main Activities

– Organisation of working groups opened to its members and external stakeholders
– Seminars or symposiums
– Studies and experimentations
– Dissemination of information on the associative field


Interactive website
Blog online to share ideas and proposals