
PDU was founded in Munich in 2013.
It is run mainly by students and has a branch in London.
Its President and co-founder, Brendan Simms, is Professor of the History of International Relations at Cambridge University.
The Project for Democratic Union makes the case for a full political union of the Eurozone along Anglo-American constitutional lines.
All its contributors are volunteers coming from a variety of nationalities and professional backgrounds. Its main focus is on students and young professionals.

Legal form
Research center – Think Tank

The Project for Democratic Union, is a European open-source think tank promoting a full political integration of the Eurozone.

It advocates for Eurozone member states to unite politically along Anglo American constitutional lines.

Main Activities

– articles on relevant EU issues
– blog entries on current EU developments
– project #LoveEurope
– project #GreatEuropean
– networking with other organisations
– infostand in Munich


The Project for Democratic Union aims at creating a new, more powerful and more democratic Europe.
It believes in the principles of liberal Democracy and the right of Europe’s citizens collectively to determine their own future and that of their continent.