
The Robert Schuman Foundation was founded in 1991 after the fall of the Berlin Wall has been approved by the State for its services to the public; it works to promote the construction of Europe.

The Foundation which is a reference research centre develops studies on the European Union and its policies promoting the content of these in France, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

It encourages, contributes to and stimulates European debate thanks to the wealth of its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Robert Schuman Foundation is established in Paris and Brussels and is a venue for research in an open, multinational network.

Legal form
Research center – Think Tank

– Maintain the spirit and inspiration of one of the « Founder Fathers » of Europe, namely Robert Schuman and promote European values and ideals both within and beyond the EU borders.
– Expertise: The Foundation is a reference research centre on the EU.
– Contribute to debate on the EU.
– Support the European democratic model.

Main Activities

– Expertise: The Foundation, which is a true laboratory of ideas, produces many studies on European policies which are a precious source of information for all of those who seek to understand European issues at stake.
– Debate: The Foundation organises and participates in numerous European and international meetings and conferences and develops research programmes in co-operation with university centres and think-tanks.
– Support: The Foundation has increased its initiatives to promote the European democratic model in the “neighbouring” States. Training sessions are organised regularly for young European decision makers.


– Well known international Research centre focused on the EU.
– Authoritative publications and analysis on the EU.