
Vision The Potkozarje and Podgrmeč are territories in which all people have equal access to and enjoy food that is good for them, good for the food producers, and good for the environment of the entire community who recognizes, cherishes and promotes its natural and cultural diversity.

Legal form
Initiative without a legal form

Mission The Slow Food Convivium Potkozarje Podgrmeč is fully committed to promotion, development, advocacy and implementation of initiatives contributing to the accomplishment of the Slow Food principles ‘good, clean, fair’ in relation to the sustainable development of the territory. It operates in close cooperation with the relevant institutions, organizations, associations and individuals, in country and abroad.

Main Activities

In 2014 Achieving strength in numbers Media ampaigns Tasting workshops – e.g. honey as slow food Round tables, presentations Tasting events Fairs Ark of Taste – mapping for preserving Biodiversity Water mills – mapping for preserving cultural and natural heritage.


members are experienced NGO workers – heterogenous but highly committed group (food producers, environmentalists, responsible tourism operators, civic advocates, academics)

Finance and Main Partners

Through membership fee, Slow Food movement, partner organizations