
Networking & Thematic Exchange

Support at CFEU can take many forms. First of all, the CFEU Core Team provides a wide range of non-monetary support.

Community News

All information uploaded to the Website shape the agenda of communication with the community. All events, proposals, and positions/ learnings, which will automatically be pushed to the respective community using e-mail newsletter and the CFEU social media channels.

Registered organisations receive biweekly newsletters about events and learnings according to the tags indicated in their profiles, called [Community Update]. In addition to community specific information organisations receive regular [Network Updates] about funding, networking opportunities, or trainings, also via email


Co-creation is a process in which one or more Core Team members pro-actively engage in a project with one or several partner organizations. Every organisation from the CFEU community can upload a project idea into the Proposal section on the Website to be considered. The Core Team member provides her or his workforce and knowledge to develop the idea from start to finish.