Share is an online news and social network for investigative journalism and civil society action and initiatives in Bulgaria. supports civil society organisations and empowers citizen participation in decision making by: maintaining social-networking and support site at; developing strategic internet-based IT tools; and running an independent newsroom for independent journalism in public interest.’s mission is to improve democracy and protect nature and human rights by strengthening civil society.

Legal form
  • maintaining social-networking and support site at; 
  • developing strategic internet-based IT  tools;
  • running an independent newsroom for independent journalism in public interest
  • carrying out policy and legal research for independent media; stronger and more inclusive public participation, decision-making and access to information and justice
Main Activities

• BlueLink Virtual Newsroom – independent journalists investigating issues of public interest in fields such as nature protection, human rights, women and gender rights, corruption, good governance,   failures of environmental law enforcement and public participation. Partnership with Climate News Network, UK.

• Enhancing journalism in public interest and freedom of speech – strengthening professional skills and promoting high professional and ethical norms of journalism in public interest, facilitating journalists’ cooperation and engagement with civil society and social movements, use of independent expertise and interactive IT tools for quality reporting and storytelling, in partnership with The Guardian Foundation, UK.

• Geodata-based IT instruments for civic participation – such as Green Map, an interactive information and networking resource on environmental hotspots in Bulgaria. Other virtual platforms that enable citizens and civic initiatives to alert CSOs and authorities about cases of: illegal deforestation; urban environmental problems; and breaches of Bulgaria’s non-smoking regulations.

• BlueLink Civic Action Network – a  virtual social network of NGOs, activist groups and individual citizens, supplied with a portfolio of mailing lists, web pages and other channels of user-generated content on environmental, sustainability and nature conservation, but also  human rights, democracy and other issues.

• Internet Society Watch – Bulgaria: regular contributions on Bulgaria and other post-socialist countries to the Global Internet Society Watch annual almanac by the Association for Progressive Communications.

• Free Electrons Awards – a biannual award for strategic internet use for public interest purposes.