
People’s Voice Media is a social change charity. We are committed to supporting people to improve their lives and bring about positive social change from the ground up.

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Non-profit organization

People’s Voice Media is a social change charity. We are committed to supporting people to improve their lives and bring about positive social change from the ground up. This aim is brought about by bringing people’s voices together to enable individuals, groups and
organisations to find better ways to improve their worlds and the world around them. Working with our memorandum and articles of association, our charitable objectives involve people developing new skills, sharing knowledge and expertise with others, enhancing their
health and well-being and becoming more economically stable.

With this vision in mind, our core values are:

  • Collaboration and Equity: These values represent our way of working – we connect with others to create social change, creating platforms via which people have their
    voices heard.
  • Authenticity and Integrity: These values represent our behaviour – they are how we maintain and evaluate our quality standards in every area of our work.
  • Learning and Evolving: These values represent our approach – as an organisation we are open to change and this supports us to develop, innovate and adapt in changing contexts.
  • Optimism and Joy: These values represent our mind-set – we seek to find hope in all situations and bring a positive, solution-focused approach to all that we do.

To achieve this vision, our core tool is Community Reporting which is a storytelling movement that spans the UK and Europe and is committed to creating change at individual, organisational and systemic levels. This movement currently has over 2000 Community
Reporters registered on and over 50 Partners that are active within this pan-European network.

Main Activities

People’s Voice Media is a charity established in 1995. Over the past 25 years, our activities have focused on the designing and delivering of high-quality training/learning programmes, participatory, citizen-led research activities and leading co-production processes in sectors
such as community development, public services and health and social care. A key part of this has been delivering Community Reporting activities. Community Reporting is a storytelling movement that was started in 2007 by People’s Voice Media, and it uses digital tools such as portable and pocket technologies to support people (usually those from marginalised groups) to tell their own stories in their own ways. Using the Internet to share these stories with others, we are able to connect them with the people, groups and organisations who are in a position to make positive social change. Through creating spaces
in which people can describe their own realities, Community Reporting provides opportunities in which people can use storytelling to find their voice, challenge perceptions and be catalysts of change.


Our organisation is also experienced project managers, leading
local and national projects in the UK, Erasmus+ projects across Europe and work packages in H2020 programmes. Our expertise lie in digital storytelling, stakeholder engagement and co-design processes, designing and delivering training programmes, qualitative research processes, social inclusions and working with marginalised groups.

Finance and Main Partners

Our funding is largely from the EU Commission via Horizon 2020 grant funding programmes and Erasmus+ Key Action 2, and via commissions from local municipalities and public services.

Our key partners are:
Manchester Metropolitan University
Stockport Council
Ideas Alliance
Goresehill Studios
Comparative Research Network