
Unlock Democracy is the UK’s leading campaign for democracy, rights and freedoms. A grassroots movement, we are owned and run by our members.

Legal form
Non-profit organization

Unlock Democracy campaigns for:

– Fair, Open and Honest Elections
– Rights, Freedoms and a Written Constitution
– Stronger Parliament and Accountable Government
– Bringing Power Closer to the People
– A Culture of Informed Political Interest and Responsibility

Main Activities

– Runs campaigns on democracy, transparency and rights.
– Provides citizenship education.
– Produces publications and research.
– Runs conference and events.


– Flexible
– Good at collaborative working
– responsive to events

Finance and Main Partners

Unlock Democracy is funded from three main sources: subscriptions and donations from our members and supporters (which makes up roughly half of our income), grant income for specific projects from various foundations and trusts, and income from our subsidiary company Rodell Properties Ltd.